Saturday 15 August 2009

The Mountain Stage!

Well a few days have passed since my low point when my stomach wanted to go home even though I didn´t! After updating the blog I went for dinner in the albergue I was staying at and was cooked a lovely meal by the owner. Just what i needed; soup, potatoes with local sausage with a dessert of apples from the garden!

The next morning I felt much better so I was ready to tackle the highest point of the whole camino. within a few hours I had reached a village called Rabinal, and what should greet me? Beatles music! I felt 100% better than yesterday and the sound of Lennon just gave me the extra boost. I went on to to the ´Cruz de ferro´, an iron cross where each pilgrim placed a stone. For Paul, Andy, James and Elisabeth I placed an extra stone as they should have all been doing part of the camino but now can´t so I hope that makes up for it a little!

The path kept heading upwards but I still felt I could do more so 3 hours later (and 35km of walking) I reached a village deep in the mountains called acebo. It was very traditional and a guy who remembered me from my being sick in Leon invited me to have a drink and some food. With the sunset over the mountains I was feeling on top of the world.

I´ve been in the mountainous area of the camino now for a good few days and i´m loving it. It´s tough on the legs but great for the mind and the eyes! My last big challenge is O cebreiro tomorrow, the steepest climb of the camino. I´m staying in the strangest place to give me the rest I need for tomorrow´s walk; under the flyover of the main motorway! Tomorrow I cross into the last province of my journey, the lush area of Galicia. It´s starting to remind me of Wales!

Only 7 days left now until I reach Santiago, let´s hope I make it!


  1. Keep it up Andy, we're all thinking of you back home. It sounds like you're having a real adventure out there - remember to stock up on the Imodium so you can face the inclines of O'Cebreiro in full body and mind.

    Elisabeth says hello, and thanks for the thoughts.


  2. Amazing stuff. Andrew, despite my silence I have been keeping up to date with your blogs and have really enjoyed reading them. My favourite line is the 'draining of blisters'in front of the wedding party and the fashioning of poncho. Can't wait to see you on your return. I think what you've achieved is amazing. Reminds me of Hardrian's wall walk and Anapura trek in Nepal. Here's to good times and adventures.
    Love chinny.
